How to Recover Snapchat Account

    4 Jan

    How to Recover Snapchat Account

    Snapchat is a popular messaging app for users that allows you to exchange pictures, videos(called snaps) and make reels that will disappear after they are viewed by a receiver after a certain time. It contains so many filters, lenses, games and other effects that make the pictures much more presentable and attractive. Streaks are very much popular among Snapchat users in which they have to send one snap a day to the other Snapchat user to continue the streak.

    Reset Password Of Snapchat:-

    Following are the basic steps to reset the password of Snapchat by your Email:-

    1. Click on the ‘Forgot your password.’
    2. Then click on the email option to reset your password.
    3. You should receive a password reset link in the email inbox of the same email address that is connected with your Snapchat account
    4. Then copy that URL or click on it to open that link in the new tab of your browser. 
    5. Enter your new password and confirm it.

    After doing the above steps you are all set to use your Snapchat account on your device.

    Following are the basic steps to reset the password of Snapchat by Phone Number:-

    1. Click on the ‘Forgot your password.’
    2. Then click on the SMS option to reset your password.
    3. A verification code will be sent on the phone number that is attached to your account.
    4. Then write your verification code and select ‘Continue’.
    5. Enter the new password and confirm it.

    After doing the above steps you are all set to use your Snapchat account on your device.

    Additional Information:-

    • Select a password that has at least 8 characters in length which contain your name, username, phone number, birthday, or any other personal information. 
    • Don’t forget to mix numbers, symbols and capital and letters in your new password.
    • If you have enabled your login verification, you need your verification code or recovery code to log in to your account.
    • For more security, we are unable to reset your password for an account if and only if:-
      • The email account you are writing in the form is not attached to the account.
      • When you don’t know the attached email address or phone number.
      • When you don’t have any access to the email or phone number that is attached to the account.

    Create a Recovery Code:-

    Following are the basic steps to create a recovery code for your Snapchat account:-

    1. Click on your Profile icon and select the Setting option.
    2. Then click on the ‘Two-Factor Authentication.’
    3. Select ‘Recovery Code.’
    4. Then you have to click on the ‘Generate Code’
    5. Enter the password to verify that you are an authentic user.
    6. Then save that code and keep it safe and accessible.

    You have to Save the code to the cloud rather than write it down or even email it on your email account. 


    The above article tells you about the basic steps to recover the Snapchat password by your Email or Phone number by following basic steps that are explained briefly. It also gives you information regarding the ways to create a strong password.

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